Bonus Episode 1: Mega Man


Taking the Fear the Boot route, we're making bonus episodes mostly unedited.  There's still a profanity filter, but other than that, it's dangerous territory.  I'd recommend listening to another episode first if this is your first one.  At this point, I suggest Episode 10.


Geremy and Tyler utilize Zach's absence this week to replay Mega Man and record our talking about it! Tyler was going to Germany the week after, so we needed something to fill in for Excitebike.  Fun times!

Download if you like shooting lemons!

(02:50) How got started on this endeavor.  Spoilers: it didn't start as a podcast.

(04:40) Cool story, bros.

(07:15) Plugging our contact info!

(13:05) Mega Man!  Pew pew!

(18:00) Our first Mega Games.

(26:00) Life is a super valuable commodity.  Also, points!

(28:00) TL;DNL: Mega Man is fun!

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