Episode 130: *garbled noise (Get the Pass)* [Blades of Steel]

Wayne Gretzky would be proud. Or maybe not, but there's a lot of punching and also some hockey. Skate into the new year with us as we tackle another NES sports title that's not ball-themed.

Hat trick!

Show Notes

(06:45) And Larry.

(08:30) Man, Point Break.  That sure was a movie that needed a remake.  Awesome main character name, though.

(14:15) Brief discussion of "good enough" games.

(16:30) 7DTD.  The new update's great.  If you're interested, the server's at home.lasttimeonvideogames.com on the standard port.  Ask someone who's on to invite you to an Axon chat room.

(30:45) Blades of Mythril!  Hector continues to be the best hockey player.

(34:00) Punch out.

(40:45) Chairzard, go!

(41:30) Rankin'.

Next time on Last Time, Super Mario World!

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