Episode 240: Twisted Metal Black

A more serious note than usual here, we got a new mixer for this podcast and made some mistakes in using it. The audio quality is significantly lower than normal, especially for the first couple of minutes. It gets better after that, but never goes away entirely. If you have sensitive ears, we recommend listening without headphones. On the other hand, Zach makes some choice puns in this episode, and I think we play a video game.

0:00 Sorry for the quality.

2:00 Zach has been playing Monster Hunter World, Mech Warrior Online, and FTL.

10:30 Tyler has been playing Enter the Gungeon, Dead Cells and Super Mario Party.

18:15 Geremy has a new Podcast, Jump Start Weekly he keeps shoving down everyone’s throat. Also he’s been playing Monster Hunter World and Marvel’s Spider-Man.

26:30 The Assignment: Twisted Metal Black

39:00 Ranking Black

Next Time on Last Time: Rayman Advance

or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
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