Alex Kidd

Episode 214: Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle


Nobody knows the ins and outs of enchantment quite like Alex Kidd.  I believe this to be the case, anyway, since he's obviously cursed.  Join us as the haphazard hero fumbles through what will hopefully be the last installment of his series that we look at.  Venture forth into the land of inexplicably animated car-monsters and bizarrely lackluster level design; together we'll tackle the real question in the Alex Kidd universe: why did so many of these get made?

Episode 205: Alex Kidd in Shinobi World

During intense chakra training, Fi sensed a disturbance in the ninja world.  Seeing no other choice, she chose a hero from another world and bestowed upon him sweet ninja powers.  Also, she may or may not have orchestrated the abduction of that hero's girlfriend so he'd have incentive to deal with Ninja World's big bad.  That's the plot of this game, +/- 5%.  Join our not-Goku on a journey to the land of sweet ninjas, presumably laying somewhere to the west.

Hiden no justu: Daunrodo no Yari!

Show Notes

(01:30) DDM, the best monster-summoning themed game.

(02:45) Zach (and others) have been playing Xenoverse 2.

(09:00) The best border patrol is more guns.

(12:00) Geremy becomes the 400th person to recommend Kill la Kill to Tyler.

(23:00) You can watch sassy Frieza here.  We proceed to get distracted by Ultra Instinct for a while.

(30:00) Mo' ninjas.

(46:45) Alex Kidd in ranking land!

Next time on Last Time, Super Return of the Jedi!

No lost twins at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 178: Miracle Balls [Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars]

In somewhat ironic tribute to itself, this series may be its own lost star.  Join us in wandering a variety of planes, magical worlds, and space New York in order to rescue the constellations of the zodiac from their fates inside of mundane objects!  Dodge monorail trains and fierce lightning while trying to guess what the next enemy with the exact same design does differently from the previous one.  Miracles!

LTOVG and the lost downloads!

Show Notes

(02:00) I thought Geodude were nearly as common as Zubat, but I was very wrong.  Also, Samson vs. Samuel Oak.

(04:30) Plot power! Legit question: Why is beast-warrior a monster type?  Birbs!

(17:30) Conan's god.

(37:00) I got distracted by the cool car.

(45:30) Fan mail!  Hi, Ryan!

(47:45) Over a year later, that jump glitch bounty is still open.

(50:00) The actual "game".

(1:03:30) Ranking among the stars!

(1:08:30) The stellar decision making you've come to enjoy.

Next time on Last Time, Planescape: Torment!

Talking skulls at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 53: It's A Miracle This Game Was Made [Alex Kidd In Miracle World]

This week, we tackle the competitor to the original Super Mario Bros. on the Master System. Punch things, shoot fire waves, and ride motorcycle/bike objects to victory! By victory, I, of course, mean rice balls.

This download is much easier to reach if you can afford the right item at the mysterious shop.

No shownotes for you!

Next time on Last Time, Space Harrier!

Help us hunt down some crazed glitch dragons at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.