Phase 44: PTSD: Post Traumatic Sex Disorder

The key to ending the war is finally in the hands of the one person who should be allowed to use it: Azrael! Such an upstanding young man will clearly exercise the utmost caution and wisdom. Flay hand delivers it, and this reminds Kira that maybe he wasn’t a great boyfriend. Also, the Vesalius finally goes down in dramatic fashion.

Show Notes

(15:30) Seriously, what is this hair spike thing?

(17:00) Don’t believe in yourself, believe in my coffee which believes in you!

(20:30) Gundam Hammer!

(20:45) I’m sure this has been posted before

(28:00) Battle damaged Mu loses Con, but gets +5 to “diplomacy” checks

(30:30) The most punchable man in the world

(34:00) Jesus you Jesus!

(49:45) Highs and/or lows

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